Tuesday, August 14, 2012

One Chair and Two Crazy Haoles

 Since I moved into my new room last December I have enjoyed the chair that was in it. Cushy, soft, nice for sitting in to grade or lesson plan or just read... But not mine. Said chair actually belonged in the living room. Sad day.

So all summer I have been telling myself that I needed to get my own chair. Then the chair that was in my room could take its rightful place in the public domain to be enjoyed by my two roomies as well. (It doesnt match my room decor anyway- and anyone who knows me knows that is an unpardonable offense!)

But I kept thinking "I don't however much some ridiculous furniture store is going to charge me for a chair" and "When am I supposed to find time to go chair shopping- I teach?!??!"

And tonight God, as He so often does, dropped the perfect chair in my lap.

Quick run through Ross with Kristen, just for giggles and kicks. What do we find there but... a red and black chair. Cute even, with polka-dots!

 So naturally we both had to spend some time lounging in it in the middle of the store (don't buy till you try!)

The footstool was just to see if I might want to scout for one someday in the future.

I do, but it can definitely wait for a later date :-)

And once you've sat in a chair for 10 minutes (and your best friend did too) well... it is kinda wrong to not buy it, right? ;-)

Plus it was very comfortable.

And not even a third of what I was dreading probably paying for a chair (Praise the Lord!).

So I bought the chair!

And then realized that getting it into our little Lucy might be a bit of a challenge....

But Kristen was determined and we are both more stubborn than your average Toyota!

Yes, we felt conspicuous. Two haole girls heaving a chair around, balancing it on my head to walk it clear across the parking lot, struggling to stuff it in a tiny car, laughing so hard we were doing more harm than good to our plan... But at least it was dark and the rain had stopped while we were in the store!

I had to drive as the chair took up almost all of the passenger side and Kristen was wedged into a tiny corner in the back seat. But we still had the victory!

 Yeah.... I felt a little bad for Kristen trapped in the back....

Between the chair taking up half of the car and me having to put the seat all the way back so I could even get my knees under the steering wheel (which is strangely necessary for successful driving!) she ended up scrunched sideways, doing an imitation of a pipe-cleaner in a twirly straw.

The things a best friend will put up with! I am so blessed to have not only one at home but also another one here in the midst of the Pacific with me!

She even carried it up three floors to our apartment once we got it back out of the car.

Lots of work but worth it.

Ta da! My super-cool, completely unexpected, cheaper-than-hoped-for, room matching (!!!), polka-dottie comfy chair!
(side note: the handle of my rolling carry-on didn't take the trip to China so well. could be I stuffed a wee bit too much in it for the return trip.... please pray I can get it back to happy working order!)

Isn't it an extra nice blessing when the Lord steps out of nowhere and provides for something that is kind of a want/kind of a need. And how He usually provides something that is more than we expect (it matches my room! and had sweet dots!) for less than we hoped for (I will not have to live on ramen the rest of the month after buying it!).

Another reminder of our God who is good, all the time, even/especially the hard times. And how He delights in showering us with blessing daily.

Have you noticed the blessing He has showered around you lately?

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